SS Georgetown News

3 January 1946

I puchased a secondhand book in Hobart, Tasmania in April 2017 and inside it was a roneoed copy of the SS Georgetown News from 1946.

Newspapers of the day refer to the SS Georgetown Victory which was being used as troopship at the time. No ship simply named "Georgetown" was found in Lloyd's Register. The Georgetown Victory was named after Georgetown University in Washington DC, USA. It was launched on 28 April 1945 and wrecked on 30 April 1946.

3 Jan

93 Japanese Officers and men faced charges of cruelty, torture and murder at AMBOLINA, yesterday when a special court to deal with war criminals opened. Col WILLIAMS, prosecuting officer outlined in his opening address that in 1942 members of the 2/83 Aust Inf Bn were captured together with 239 Dutch. On Oct 26 1942 267 Australians and 238 Dutch were sent to SAIGON. 528 Australians and 7 Dutch and 14 Americans from the PHILLIPENES were tortured. 139 were alive when the service party landed there a month ago, of this total first taken 17 were executed, 386 died as a result of cruelty and deprivation. Col WILLIAMS said the Japs were determined to kill and starve as many of the prisoners as they could. After Japanese Maj[or] ANDGO took charge of that area in July 1942 conditions became very severe, systematic deprivation was introduced. On one occasion Maj[or] ANDGO, who took delight in administering cruelty to the Dutch, had 32 Dutchmen, gathered into a square in front of his HQ, and standing on his verandah blew a whistle at which a specially chosen squad of Jap Marines numbering 23 set upon the Dutch and beat them with iron bars for [text unclear perhaps 'one hour and'] as a result of this 7 were beaten to death.

Members of the 32 Indian Bde arrived at LABUAN, TEMPLETON and BRIT[ISH] NORT BORNEO, further Indian Troops will arrive shortly as garrison troops in this area. Brig WOODFORD in charge of the Indians took over formal control of the area from 9 Div representative Gen. WINGATE, Mr FORDE, Minister for the Army announced that there would be only 2000 Australian Troops in BRITISH NORTH BORNEO by Jan 20.

Arrival in Australia of 1,300,000 cigarettes from SAN FRANCISCO yesterday, this is the largest bulk arrival of cigarettes, and in a time when all the tobacconists['] shops in MELBOURNE are displaying no smoko signs, it is thought to be an attempt to capture the Australian market of America.

Two 300,000 volt generators will be installed at NEWPORT, Vic, by the SEC, which will double the state's power output and will be run on brickettes [briquettes]. The contract for these generators has been let to Messrs PARSONS & CO of NEWCASTLE ON TYNE, ENGLAND. This firm has sublet contracts in Australia for those parts which can be made in this country. The generators will not be installed until 1948 and will make NEWPORT POWER STATION the most powerful in the state with the exception of YALLOURN.

Mr [Joe] DARLING died in a hospital in TASMANIA at the age of 75, being the last surviving member of the first test cricket team to go to ENGLAND in 1896 for the 1896 series. He was the Captain of the Australian Test Teams of 1902 and 1905. He is a member of the TASMANIAN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Another member died a few weeks also at the age of 75, and was also a member of the TAS[MANIAN] LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY [sic, COUNCIL]. He was J B EADIE [sic, Charles John EADY]. DARLING was one of Australia's greatest left hand batsman, and recently obtained a ROYAL COMMISSION to enquire into the TAS[MANIAN] FORESTRY INDUSTRY, however as Mr DARLING was the only prosecutor the enquiry will probably be disbanded unless some other member takes the matter up. [The enquiry was not terminated].

HMAS AUSTRALIA will arrive in AUSTRALIA on Friday 16 Jan. The ship went to ENGLAND for repairs for damage inflicted by 5 KAMIKAZE planes in the BATTLE FOR THE PHILLIPINES. HMAS AUSTRALIA left ENGLAND on Dec 20 for AUSTRALIA and called in SIERRA LEONE, DURBAN and CAPE TOWN and will call at [FREMANTLE], ADELIADE and MELBOURNE before she berths at SYDNEY on the 16th. The AUSTRALIA was severely damaged by the 5 planes and has only been partially repaired. The Commonwealth Govt has decided that there is no necessity for the ship to be fully repaired.

JOSEPH ABRABHEL [not identified] world famous musician will arrive in SYDNEY on Tuesday next. ABRABHEL toured Australia two years ago.

A Mrs [Jeanette] WICKS, owner of a Kiosk at POTTS POINT was found murdered last night. Mrs WICKS who lived with her brother usually arrived home at 3 pm. After waiting until 8 pm the brother became worried and notified the police who went to the Kiosk and found Mrs Wicks murdered. There were signs of a scuffle and the body bore severe head wounds and was found propped up against a wall with a chord around her neck. She had been dead two or three hours when the police arrived. It is believed she was attacked while counting her day's takings, and robbery is the motive for the crime.

The ketch WINSTON CHURCHILL was the third boat across the finishing line in the trans-TASMAN boat race. The Churchill was escorted by an RAAF Catalina which has been conducting the search of overdue boats. The CHURCHILL crossed the finishing line at six thirty-eight pm, the next boat expected to finish is the MORRISON.

Free hospital treatment is to be given in AUSTRALIA for the treatment of tuberculosis cases under the new Commonwealth Hospital Benefits and Health Bill. This will cover all TB treatment and after cure treatment.

The AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL COMMITTEE are securing two artists to go to TOKYO with the AUSTRALIAN CONTINGENT of the BCAO [sic, BCOF ie British Commonwealth Occupation Force]. To date Australian official war artists have submitted 2000 paintings and pieces of sculpture to the War Memorial Committee.

AT NOON POSITION WAS 21 degrees 47 minutes SOUTH.
AVERAGE SPEED for the 24 hours – 16.25 knots.