Map of Central Perth, west of Barrack Street, in 1871-1872
Drawn from memory by Jesse E Hammond
From Western Pioneers: The Battle Well Fought, published about 1936
The property owned by James Dyson shown on the map as "Dyson's Hotel" was advertised for sale by auction as
All that North West portion of Perth Town Lot, G 15, containing 18 perches, and the North West portion of Perth Town Lot G 14, containing 33 perches, having a frontage in Murray Street and King Street, together with all buildings thereon: a first class 2 storey House, containing Shop and good Cellerage, Bakehouse and Oven; also a 4-roomed Cottage, good Stable and Kitchen, and Shed to stable 4 horses; fine Well of Water and a trellis.
From: The West Australian 27 March 1877 p3